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What Are Chemical Reactions?

A chemical reaction is a process where one or more substances, reactants, are turned into different substances, the products. These reactants are either elements or compounds, which can affect the result of the reaction. During a chemical reaction, the rearrangement of atoms of the reactants creates different substances as products.

In more detail, a chemical reaction is a process which converts one or more substances into one or more different substances. The atoms of the starting compounds are rearranged in the reaction, creating new compounds with different properties and characteristics. The number of atoms and the amount of mass before and after the reaction occurs is the same meaning mass is kept the same. Chemical reactions are important in both living and non-living systems.


Chemical reactions are everywhere. They are apart of technology, culture and all of life. Daily examples such as baking bread and using fuel in a car. In the natural world, chemical reactions are everywhere, changing the composition of matter within Earth, on its surface, and in the atmosphere, and driving many, many of processes in living systems. For example, your stomach creates chemical reactions to help break down food into sugar and other molecules which can be absorbed by your body. After this, your cells use the sugar to as energy to fuel all your actions! Photosynthesis is the most important of all chemical reactions which support nearly every living thing on Earth. Plants, algae, and certain micro-organisms transform light energy from the Sun into the chemical energy of food in photosynthesis.


In conclusion, chemical reactions are endless! They happen on a daily basis and without them, life would sorta suck. A chemical reaction is the combination of two reactants to form an entirely new product. Bonds are broken and new bonds are created. A chemical reaction is not always caused by mixing two substances together.

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